Accredited Investors* are able to invest in Seo Capital Management Fund directly starting with small amounts of money, even from their retirement accounts, and they can reinvest the fixed interest payouts to compound their returns.
The capital invested is used in joint venture projects mainly with another fund held by the Fund Managers, Shane Seo & Cherif Medawar, to capitalize on its momentum in the market since 2009.
This is a great way to invest for those who seek a fixed income without having any associated expenses or hassles.
Seo Capital Management Fund uses the capital for joint venture real estate projects. These projects are managed by Shane Seo, Real Estate Fund Manager, mainly with the private fund MIGSIF and its subsidiaries and/or related entities that have a track record focusing on residential rehab primarily located in San Francisco and the Bay Area in California and commercial properties mainly in Old San Juan Puerto Rico.
Assets are acquired through relationships with sellers, bankers, asset managers, and brokers. The properties get repositioned through rehabbing or adding value and then are either sold or held for cash flow.